July 26, 2018

Updated School Room

With my boys getting older it was time for an updated and new school room look! Took me most of the summer to gather everything I was really wanting and to achieve the look I was going for.

This is when you walk in to the room. The grid will be used to hang important papers from Units we will be doing and to show off work that my boys do.

I decided to get a couple of maps to use as learning material and decoration for the room. My goal was to keep the room very simple and clean. 

Our homemade white board made from marker board from Lowes. The sign to the left will be used to post encouraging quotes. Under the white board is our time line for History 1.

Our new book display that my husband built for us. I love being able to see what the boys are going to read this next school year and some of our read aloud books. 

My desk area

The shelf with drawers is filled with our school supplies. On top of it is my youngest boys Science theme that we are starting with. I also found some nature posters to hang above to go with the Science theme.

My kids desks and chairs from IKEA both look the same. They each have a set of drawers with their school books in them. And our most used supplies are in the middle of the table to share. 

I love that I achieved exactly what I was going for and was able to get rid of so much clutter. Now we all know as Homeschoolers that it might be clean at the beginning of the year but it never stays this way for long. 

I will be back with more posts on what curriculum we chose for 5th Grade and 7th Grade in the next couple of weeks!

We will officially be starting the 2018-2019 school year August 13th. 

When are you starting the school year or have you already started?

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