September 22, 2014

Things don't always go as planned....

As my last post stated we were  moving. We were all ready to go. I had packed half the house and then the truth came out. Not to give too much detail but we were lied to. The house wasn't even a real house!

So we aren't moving. I sit here in my normal office with my turquoise walls and I think to myself that it wasn't meant to be. God has other plans for us and we plan to stay where we are. 

We are perfectly happy and content with staying in this house, as we have been here for 4 years and it is home to us. 

My new plan is to make it more like home. After 4 years I haven't really done much other than put a few decorations on the wall. 

So what does this mean for the blog. It means I don't have to wait to move to start posting here and there. It means I have more time to devote to the blog because I won't be busy unpacking.

What can you expect?

Whole house makeover!
New organization tips!
New printables!
How about a 2015 Daily Planner or a Meal Planner!

It means I get to share with you all how I make this house our home. 

Hope you all are as excited to see what is to come and to continue on this journey with me!

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